Course curriculum

    1. Language Starts With Us

    2. The Educator’s Role in Language

    3. Quick quiz #2

    1. Some Important Definitions

    2. General Child Language Development by Age

    3. Quick quiz #3

    4. True of false quiz

    1. Stimulating Language While Having Fun

    2. Everyday Materials to Stimulate Language

    3. Stimulating Language During Routines and Transitions

    4. Quick quiz #4

    5. Activity Ideas

    6. FInding the mistakes

    7. Conclusion

    8. Quick quiz #5

    1. Evaluating Your Experience: Survey

    2. Why do we Need an Evaluation?

    3. Final True of false quiz

    4. PDF document: Download the complete course notes for this training course

About this course

  • 26 leçons